Monday, June 9, 2014

How Church Fundraisers Can Be A Roaring Success

Every church group on Earth wants their fundraisers to be successful. Often, most successful fundraising programs were well thought out, leadership planned out their goals, and conveyed them to each participant. I have seen church fundraisers that decided on an item to sell and promoted it doing what we advised. The group sold out within just a few days and hit their targeted goal for profit raised. Wouldn't you like to have a church fundraiser with those results?

It always amazes me that the organizers will spend a month or more deciding what they want to sell or promote only to ignore the follow up that will make the program successful or even more successful. Usually it only takes a few hours to make sure the fundraiser gets off to a good start and do a little follow up. By proper preparation and follow up, any church group, whether a youth group fundraiser, raising funds for mission trips, or just to celebrate a church anniversary, you can raise all the funds you had in mind if you would just take those few extra hours to assure its success.

Not too long ago, I wrote a FREE REPORT called "Fundraising Made Easy" that was designed to help any type of organization have a successful fundraising project. It is still available and a copy can be downloaded for FREE by going to . In there you will find 7 simple steps to organize and implement a successful fundraising program.

Case Study

One of our clients wanted to raise some funds to help celebrate their 100th Anniversary. They also had a beautiful Rose Window, although nearly any stained glass window will usually work. By reproducing the window on a collector's edition glass ball ornament, they sold them with the advertised proceeds going to fund the Centennial celebration. They could have just as easily used the proceeds for new choir robes, mission trips, or even to rehab the stained glass windows. Because the committee took the time to do it right by advertising the program in their bulletin before the ornaments even arrived and having them on display after each service, they were able to meet their objective of selling out quickly. They even reordered and now offer them to new members or newly-weds looking for a memento of their big day.

There are so many creative ways to have successful church fundraisers. Call Keystone Specialties at 800-240-8639 for some more great FREE ideas. Great people to work with and very willing to offer some more FREE ideas.

About the author:
John McWilliams, MAS is the Chief Executive Officer and past President of Keystone Specialties, Inc, an international  distributor of Promotional Products located in Butler, PA. He is a past Vice President and served as acting President of the Three Rivers Advertising Specialty Association. In 2004 he was inducted into their Hall of Fame. With over 30 years of helping thousands of organizations raise funds for their various needs, he is always willing to offer advice to help make every organization more successful.

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